Dealing with hurt.

“Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”
Luke 23:34 NIV

Man today, I’m striving to be like my savor. That is to be able to forgive someone that has caused me pain. I know I do can this, I want to do this, because I have done it before. (Not on my on power.) I’m finding my pain is turning into bitterness. I’m waiting for God to turn the switch off so i can start heeling.

Right now, I feel like King David hiding in the caves after his son stole his kingdom, the kingdom God gave him, away from him. I was told it was prayed about, but if it God will, than why am I the one that is hurt. I just feel that if it was God will, I would have peace about it. I just pray that my thoughts and hunches are wrong, total wrong!! And I pray that God moves mightily in the life's and areas that is effected by this.

God help me forgive like Jesus forgave those on that day He was sacrificed for me and help me be like King David in the caves longing to be reunited with his people. Help me understand and know that no matter what happens, if if is you will or something that satan throws at me, that you will used it to bring glory to you name and mighty mighty things will happen for your kingdom.


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